Bromeliad Society of the Palm Beaches By-Laws

Revised June 16,2011


Founded June 15, 1995


The name of this society shall be the "Bromeliad Society of the Palm Beaches, Inc." This shall be a non-profit organization.


The objectives of this society shall be:

  1. To serve its members by consistent endeavors to stimulate interest, provide education and to exchange information among those interested in the culture of the Bromeliad Family in all of its aspects.
  2. To promote wider public appreciation and knowledge of the Bromeliad family by participating from time to time in public displays, workshops, programs or other means of educational endeavors.


  1. The membership of this Society shall be of two kinds: Active and Honorary and shall be open to the public.
The Active members of the Society shall be persons whose interests in Bromeliads are such that they are willing to support the Society by their attendance and participation in its activities. They are privileged to vote and hold office, and to receive publications of the Society.

Honorary membership may be conferred on any person for outstanding interest or achievement in connection with Bromeliads. The names of such persons must be submitted in writing or verbally at a board meeting to the Executive Board by any Active member for approval. Honorary members shall be exempt from payment of dues, and may not vote or hold office. However, upon payment of dues, an Honorary member may become an Active member with full privileges of membership


  1. The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice President, Secretary, Membership Chairman and a Treasurer.
  2. The President shall preside at all regular meetings of the Society, at all Executive Board meetings and at all special meetings. The President shall perform all duties pertaining to this office and shall appoint the Chairman of the various committees not otherwise stated in the by-laws. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The newly elected President shall make the standing committee appointments and present them to the Executive Board at the February meeting for its approval.
  3. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President, and shall be Program Chairman.
  4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the regular meetings, of all special meetings and of all Executive Board Meetings in a permanent book. The Secretary shall also keep in a file all reports and important papers not assigned to other officers. The Secretary shall also keep and maintain the correspondence of the Society.
  5. The Membership Chairman shall bear primary responsibility for maintaining the roster of members of the Society including greeting and contacting new members and prospective members, securing completed Membership applications, handling matters pertaining to members' badges, collecting dues from new and renewing members, and arranging functions to solicit new members. The Membership Chairman shall perform these duties in close cooperation with the Treasurer.
  6. The Treasurer shall perform the duties usually pertaining to the office, assist the Membership Chairman in collecting all dues, and make all payments subject to the approval of the Society and/or Executive Board. The Treasurer shall maintain a roster of the Society, together with their addresses, and shall notify the Membership Chairman of all delinquent members and their unpaid dues, working in close cooperation with the Membership Chairman. The Treasurer shall keep an inventory of all properties belonging to the Society, and shall prepare and submit an annual report to the State of Florida.


  1. In addition to the five regular elected officers, three elected Board members will compose the Executive Board. One Board member will be elected each year to serve a term of three years. The past President shall be an honorary member with vote.
  2. The Executive Board shall act on all matters of general policy. These persons may also serve as chairman of standing committees, or perform other services at the request of the President.
  3. The President and Vice President may not succeed themselves in the same office for more than three years. The Secretary may hold office for two consecutive terms. The Treasurer may hold office for three consecutive terms.
Any person who has served as an Officer or Board Member shall be eligible to serve again in the same office after an interim of one year.
  1. Any person who is serving as an Officer or Board Member is eligible to serve in a different office in consecutive terms.
  2. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall be empowered to fill all vacancies on the Board. These appointees shall serve until the next regular election.
  3. The standing committees shall be Sales, Refreshments, Librarian, Program, Membership, Publicity, Editor, and any other deemed necessary by the President.
  4. The Board shall be empowered to authorize the expenditures of not more than $200.00. Anything over this amount must be authorized by a vote of the general membership.


  1. Annual dues shall be set by the Executive Board and received annually.
  2. Honorary Members are not subject to dues unless they desire to be Active and have the privilege to vote. If Active, the dues are the same as for Active members.
  3. The Society year shall begin as for the regular meeting in January. Dues shall be payable at the beginning of the Society year. Any member delinquent for 60 days shall be automatically dropped from membership after having been duly notified by the Treasurer.


  1. The regular meeting of the Society shall be the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 P.M. promptly, excepting in December.
  2. Regular meetings of the Society may be temporarily advanced or postponed by vote of the Society at previous meetings, or in an emergency by vote of the Executive Board. In such cases, best efforts will be made to notify members of the change as soon as possible.
  3. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President and the Executive Board or by a vote of the Society at a regular meeting. At least three days notice must be given.
  4. Five members plus one Executive Board member shall constitute a quorum for regular or special meetings. A simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum at Executive meetings.


  1. A nominating committee shall consist of three members of the Society. The President shall appoint the chairman from the Executive Board, and the other two members shall be elected by the Executive Board. The nominating committee shall be selected at the September meeting and report at the October meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the October meeting.
  2. Elections of officers will be held at the regular November meeting, and the new officers shall preside at the January meeting.
  3. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of members present at the meeting.


Amendments to the By-Laws may be voted on at any regular meeting providing notice of such amendments has been given at the previous regular meeting. A simple majority vote of all members present shall be required to amend or add to the By-Laws.


  1. Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the affairs of the Society in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and Standing Rules.


  1. In the event of dissolution of the Society, all the net assets shall be distributed to such other non-profit organizations that are devoted to the furtherance of those purposes most closely related to the objectives of this Society as would qualify it under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.